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Royal Naval Association - Worthing



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Royal Naval Association Worthing Branch "Once Navy, Always Navy"
Royal Naval Association       Worthing Branch "Once Navy, Always Navy"

A bit of Worthing Nostalgia!

For all you residents of Worthing, how many of these pubs do you remember or still drink in?                                                                                                                     Please send in any photos of old pubs, and any memories also welcomed.         

The Royal George
The Norfolk
Pier Hotel
The Wine Lodge
Buckingham Arms
The Cricketers
The Cissbury
The Wheatsheaf
Tha Anchor
White Hart
The Marine
The Spaniard
The Albion
The Dragoon
The Thieves Kitchen
Thomas a' Becket
The Elms
The Half Brick
The Fountain

Anyone got any photos of Worthing pubs?

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Royal Naval Association - Worthing Broadwater Working Men's Club, 44 Broadwater Street East, Worthing, BN14 9AW