ALMARK Commeration of Warrant Officer John Smith
A commemoration at Durrington Cemetary on Monday 17th February remembered John Smith, a sailor who helped free almost 300 British prisoners in the storming of The Altmark on February 17, 1940.
Delivering a speech over Warrant Officer Smith’s grave, Commander Neil Hall (RN) said the raid represented ‘one of the most audacious feats’ of the Second World War.
“Altmark was a very important act, which at the time was a huge boost to national morale,” he said. "It was a wonderful example of that great British seafaring tradition.”
But it was discovered by the Navy’s HMS Cossack and boarded in a daring raid. John Smith was one of the boarders and was shot in the shoulder after entering a booby-trapped door. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and served for the rest of the war, before passing away in 1973 at the age of 69. His grave reads ‘Safe harbour beyond all storms of life’.
Wreaths were laid at his grave by members of the Armed Forces and Worthing mayor Hazel Thorpe, with a military parade from the entrance to the graveside.
There was also a contingent from the Ships Company of HMS DAUNTLESS.
As well as The Worthing Branch Standard, Standard from a number of other Area 3 Branches were present.
More photos from the event can be viewed on the ALMARK Gallery page on this website
Cancellation Of Mess Meetings
Following advice from RNA HQ, and in light of the current uncertaintly resulting from the Corona Virus - COVID19 Virus, the Mess Meetings due to take place in April, May and June have been cancelled.
As and when more information becomes available, it will be promulgated accordingly.
Crossed over the Bar
It is with great sadness that I report the passing over the bar of Shipmate Ronald Riches. RONALD passed away on Thursday 14th April 2020 in a Care Home in Ware, Herts, he was 96.
A condolence card has been sent to the family and our thoughts are with them at this time. Rest in peace Ronald.
I had a long chat with the son, at this stage only a few family members are allowed to attend the funeral.
Take care, stay safe.
Anna Shipley
Welfare Officer
Royal Naval Association
Worthing Branch.
Annual Rememberance Parade
This Years Parade will take place at the Cenetaph in Worthing Chapel Road on Sunday 10th November.
Members attending should do so wearing the standard dress - with medals.
Muster outside the Library by 1040 ready to form up and prepare to march on to the parade.
Election Advice / Information
Please see the guidance below received from the Charity Commission regarding the forthcoming General Election:
Election special
Now that the election has been confirmed for 12 December 2019, we are issuing a reminder to all charities of their particular responsibilities in the weeks ahead.
The Commission is aware that the political context for this election is very different from that which people may have experienced in the past, which makes it all the more important that trustees read both our guidance on campaigning and political activity and the particular guidance that applies during an election (PDF, 606KB). We've also published lessons learned during the last election in 2017.
It is legitimate and healthy for charities to speak up for the causes they serve. But appearing to take a political position on either side could risk undermining public confidence in charity as something special, an issue which our chief executive made clear in her recent blog.
As well as your responsibilities under charity law, you need to be aware of the rules on what is called 'third party campaigning' under electoral law, which may affect your charity. The Electoral Commission has worked closely with charities to produce 'Non-party campaigners: where to start', using real-life case studies to provide advice to charity campaigners.
Please can I take the opportunity to remind the membership that the RNA prides itself in being an apolitical organisation. No matter where personal sympathies lie, please, if involved in campaigning, including the delivery of leaflets, for any political party or group, can I respectfully request that you do so without wearing any RNA garment or badge or offer any opinion on behalf of the Association.
Crossed over the Bar
It is with deep regret, I have to inform you that Rita Newton "passed
over the Bar" on 17th October 2019 at Worthing Hospital.
The funeral will take place at Worthing Crematorium on Wednesday 13th November 2019 at 13.00 hrs.
The wake will be at the Durrington Working Mens Club, 10 Cotswold Road, Durrington, BN13 2LA
Can you please inform me if you wish to attend, for inclusion in the catering provisions.
Many thanks.
Anna Shipley
Welfare Officer
R.N.A. Worthing Branch
My phone no: 01903 539210
Too many pensioners are missing out on money which is rightfully theirs. This is not charity, it is something you have all worked and paid taxes for so I urge you all to run a check on your entitlements with regard to benefits.You may not be entitled to all of them, probably not, but even if its just one benefit which helps to enhance your life then go for it!!The benefits I am referring to are as follows:Pension Credit (this is the one that could affect your TV license.) To pay or not to pay!Council Tax benefitHousing benefitDisability benefits such as DLA , Carers Allowance (Are you helping your partner with many everyday functions? You might qualify)Winter Fuel Allowance 0800 731 0160Most of the above cannot be back dated so if you delay in claiming you have lost money for good.Pension Credit is a weekly means tested top-up, guaranteeing a basic minimum of £167.25 for singles and ££255.25 for couples who are living together. You can have a certain amount of savings and possibly still claim this benefit. You might even get savings credit which is a certain amount added to your pension credit because you have saved. It depends on your total savings.The severely disabled,carers and people who still have mortgage repayments can sometimes claim even if their income is higher than the figures stated.Disability Living Allowance/Attendance Allowance/Christmas Bonus/Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction and Personal Independence Payment are not included in certain calculations so it is always worth asking.How to applyCall the pension service on 0800 99 1234 lines are open Monday – Friday 0800-2000 and Saturdays 0900-1300email where you will find a pension calculatorAge UK have an excellent service for pension advice just call 0800 678 1602 they are manned every day of the year from 0800-1900You can also visit your local Citizens Advice.If or when you contact any of these agencies you will, need to have with you the following;Your National Insurance NumberYour total income details and all information on any savings or investments you may have. The amount you may get will depend on your age,income,savings or state benefits you may already have.Any of the agencies I have mentioned will help you to complete the forms and advise on Council Tax .If you have savings try to ensure they are in an ISA (tax free) or a higher savings account.If you do not pay tax and find that tax has been deducted from your interest then call your tax office and ask for a tax rebate form. That can be back dated.Now I have explained to you how to check your lawful entitlement and the only form you really need to complete yourself (if you pay tax)is the Gift Aid Form for the RNA.I can assure you that there is NO invasion of privacy and the Inland Revenue will NOT be checking your details if you pay tax and complete that form.It will bring added income to your Association and help to keep the subs down.A reminder about the very good Travel Insurance through the Forces Pension Society. Have you got your bus pass or taxi vouchers?That just leaves me to remind you to make a will so what you've got goes where you want it to go when you Cross the Bar. Its free with the TRBL just ring them on 020 3207 2253 Northern Ireland and pensions you need to contact:Northern Ireland Pension CentrePOBox 42LimavadyBT49 4AN 0808 100 6165 or’s it shipmates, if just one of you takes this up and gets a result then I shall be a happy bunny. If you let me know, just the result not the sum.Thank you.Rita Lock MBE
National Vice President,
National Welfare Adviser,
Royal Naval Association,
07934 775087The welfare seminar 2020 will be held on April 25th 2020 in Portsmouth.Firmer details to follow at a later date.
It’s with an enormous sense of pride and optimism that I write to you as the First Sea Lord and to outline my vision for our Service of:
A world class, global Navy, with inspired and inspiring people, working as one team to be highly efficient, innovative and productive, to play our part for the people of the United Kingdom, protecting them, preventing conflict and ready to fight our enemies whenever and wherever needed.
Thanks to your hard work and success, we are already well on the way to achieving that vision. I want to build on that momentum and the work of my predecessors to get us there more quickly and be even better. That means playing to our many strengths, especially our continued success on operations and everything that underpins that success, but also doing some things differently: being faster at introducing new equipment; being far more willing to challenge the traditional way that we have always done our business; and giving more authority to people lower down the chain of command. I am committed to this, as are the Second Sea Lord and the Fleet Commander: we want to be bolder about what we can achieve and how quickly we can do it. And we’ll be working with the rest of Defence to: Mobilise – getting the most out of what we have to fight tonight; Modernise – embrace new technologies to make us better able to fight tomorrow; and Transform – radically improve the way we do our business.
We need to change because the world is changing: the prospect of State on State conflict, the rise of sub-conflict threshold threats, phenomenal technological changes and the need to play our part for Global Britain are all themes with a direct bearing on us and we need to respond to them.
We will change by: investing in the North Atlantic to maintain the freedom of manoeuvre for the nuclear deterrent; becoming a Carrier Task Group Navy again capable of deploying around the world; establishing a Future Commando Force that returns our commandos to their maritime roots but with modern technology to be better able to deliver humanitarian Protecting our Nation’s interestsassistance, intelligence and reconnaissance, and to strike from the sea; establishing increased Forward Presence with more of our ships forward deployed around the world. And really embrace Technology and Innovation.
How we will do this is described in our Command Plan. The backdrop is that we are growing as a Navy for the first time in 70 years; the nation is investing in us with a fantastic recapitalisation programme and our manpower recovery plan is beginning to take effect, helped in part by having more people who want to join the Navy than we have had for at least a decade. That’s not all: we are on a better financial footing than we have been for years and, as the last 18 months has showed, we are very much back in the game of truly global operations. And there’s more to come: a second aircraft carrier, more Astute submarines, the Dreadnought programme, F35B jets, more Batch 2 OPVs, Future Support Ships, our next generation Type 26 and Type 31e frigates and an ambition for Littoral Strike Ships to have more of our Royal Marine commandos deployed and ready for operations all the time.
You may think you have heard this sort of thing before. I’m not so sure. The challenges that threaten our national security today and the government objectives in response are very much aligned with a strong maritime case; it’s now up to us to seize this responsibility and the opportunities that come with it. It stands to reason though that the way we operate a growing Navy needs to be fundamentally different to the way we have been managing a Navy that was gradually getting smaller. It demands an approach that is more assertive, more opportunistic and less constrained. And we have no time to waste. It’s about delivering on outcomes. It is about spending money wisely, rather than counting our money. It’s about driving rapid change in the way we do our business.
Some elements of this change will be clear for all to see: continuing to improve our ship and submarine availability; fixing our failing infrastructure, whether it be your workplace, your accommodation or your sports facilities; changing the way we crew the Fleet to improve predictability for those on the front line, whilst being prepared to restructure our headquarters and shore jobs in favour of sea going posts. Other elements may be less tangible but are just as important to our continued success; crucially, on my watch we will not be governed by the status quo and I am determined that we create an environment within the Service that makes the most of everyone’s experience, abilities and ideas. I am convinced that if we can do all of that then we as a Service will become more operationally effective and, just as importantly, we will improve the lived experience for you and your families too.
And that’s just the start. Because for all our successes I recognise the daily grind many of you face to keep the show on the road. I know there is plenty more out there that needs fixing, plenty more that we could be doing better. So, you can expect to see the Second Sea Lord, Fleet Commander and me visiting naval bases and Royal Marine bases and air stations around the country in the very near future. We will tell you more about our plans then, and we will we want to hear what you think and your ideas about how we as a Service can improve. We have been appointed together. We each have three years to do our bit. We will work together to lead the Service. But we will also be looking to you to deliver on this responsibility too, because it will take all of us to realise our full potential.
I absolutely believe that ours is a world class Navy, full of brilliant people that are doing great things. As 1SL, it’s my job to lead the Service and make us even better still. Starting today, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.
Report by S/M Tony Avery on this years Annual Conference
Good Evening Shipmates.
Had a better journey up than expected. Friday night was a little bit of a let down compared to other conferences.
Drinks were a little bit expensive, I was told that a tot of rum on Thursday night was £5-50. But then on Friday after 12-00 we had a discount card which was 10% off.
Wyboston Lakes was a nice place but I think it was expensive . What I understand from the other shipmates it was the same as last year in Dublin but they had no discount in the Hotel so they all went next door to Weatherspoons.
Conference started at 10 with the National Standard being marched on. Then prayers in memory of Shipmates that have crossed the bar.
Opening words from the National President. Shipmate Bob Colburn stepped down as National Standard Bearer, and has taken over as National Ceremonial Officer for the next 2 years, as Shipmate Mick Kieran has stepped down. So David Corrigan has now taken up the roll as National Standard Bearer.
General Secretary then read out a message from the Queen.
The National President then welcomed our guests.
The first guests to address the conference was the Mayor of St Neots Councilor Gordon Thorpe the first thing he said was that he was ex RAF there was a big BOO from the Shipmates. He then went on to say what was going on in the town of St Neots, with all the new buildings that are going up. He then said that the town has got so big since the over flow from London. There was a lot more that he said.
But I don't think that you want to hear all of it.
The next guest to address the Conference was Rear Admiral Mike Bath who has been in the navy for 32 years.
The was a map of the world that was put up on the screen and it showed where all the navy ships were deployed and manpower total 9,951 committed on ops.
Ships in Build
At readiness
Lead Commando group
2 X Qnlz Class
4 X T45 2 X MCM SSBN
There was so much that the Naval Secretary said, you cannot write it all down, but looking at the map the Royal Navy is presented at the four corners of the world, he also said that it was a long time since this has happened. The Navy has been stream lined as we all know.
The new type 31 will be built and in service within five years.
I’m hoping that I got this right, there is talk that the Royal Navy might go on a 3 day working week, There are a lot of changes going on within the Navy at the moment.
In the next 5 years there will be more ships operating in the FAR EAST and the CARIBBEAN
The Naval Secretary then went on to say that he would work with the General Secretary of the RNA to present the RNA to the Royal Navy.
The Naval Secretary then introduced the Royal Navy Personnel Team.
They talk about the manpower and strategy of the navy. They showed us a small film called TWO/SIX
if you want to know more go to
Also in this presentation we were given a small remote to answer questions on. It was very interesting to see the result of the questions. They then went on to talk about the Naval pay and pension and showed us figures of all the ranks in the navy, I think I got these figures right as it went up so quickly, LEADING HAND £52,567; ABLE/SEAMAN £28,665 with pension. It was mind boggling to see all these figures to see what the Navy are getting paid to what we were in our day.
This presentation from the Personnel team was one of the best insights of the Royal Navy.
National President's Address.
It is with great regret that I have to tell you all that S/MATE Ivan Hunter passed away at the beginning of the year, as you all know he was the Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee. The president and chairman went over to Ireland for the funeral.
We have a new Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee and a new Treasurer.
The Jutland Wood has been a great success.
There are over 760 ipads which have been handed out since it started.
The RNA have lost 1,000 members in the last year. He also said a big thank you to the Plymouth Branch for all their hard work at H.M.S RALEIGH.
President Awards
This year Number 3 area did very well
Sword of Honour - Area with the greatest increase - Number 3 area
Brigg's Dirk - Large Branches (over 30 full members) - Waterloville
Brigg's Rose Bowl - Small Branches (under 30 full members) - Horsham
Overseas Branches - over 30 full members -Torrevieja
Overseas Branch - under 30 full members - Japan
The Tasker Bowl - Area with the most gift aid returns - 8 and 9 Area.
Chairman Standing Orders
72 Delegates
All NCM reelected
one new member on Standing Orders.
New National Treasurer
This was one of the quickest report I have seen at Conference, the RNA are in a very good financial position, he did not go on like the last Treasurer who went into every detail of the account.
National Chairman’s Address
He thank all the NCM that have stepped down over the last year and mentioned the names of those NCM of which President S/Mate Bob Scott was one of them.
There will be no increase to subs, this was being looked into this year, but there was no Motion.
There has been a number of small branches that have decommissioned over the year, this is because they cannot form a committee.
Presentation by Ship Mate Gareth Both.
Shipmate Both is the new branch support officer for all branches that wanted to talk about things within the Branch. ie about decommissioning, which the National Council would not like to happen.
1-2-3 were put forward by the National Council. I will not go into it too much as they were sort of the same. ie changing words. Election of members for the Standing Orders Committee this is because the Standing Orders Committee are having a lot of trouble in getting members to stand.
So they have put forward a Motion that any Shipmate that is a Associate Member and has got a Certificate Of Appreciation can put his or her name forward to stand on the Standing Orders Committee
But there can only be one Associate member on the S.O.C at one time.
All these Motion where CARRIED.
The 2021 Conference to be held at the Britannia Hotel Nottingham, at a date / time to be confirmed.
This Motion was CARRIED.
Report Back on Motion 2 from National Conference 2018 ----Central Membership
This report back from National Conference 2018 is to do with centralizing the membership at head
Office like the Royal British Legion do with their subs, instead of paying by cash you will have to pay by standing order, and if you have a change on the committee this can be done on line into the database at Head Office, this is still being looked into so watch this space.
This is at the Adelphi Hotel where the 2013 Conference was held,
2 Night dbb includes the Gala Dinner £130
3 Night dbb includes the Gala Dinner £168
4 Night dbb includes the Gala Dinner £198
Just Gala Dinner no Accommodation £27- £50.
These prices are a lot cheaper than this year. Two nights at Conference this year was £259.
I have given you the best report I can from this year’s Conference, these things tend to go forever.
Thank you.
2019 Biannual Parade - London
Sunday 8th September
0900 Civil Service club open for coffee/toilets – Standard Bearer changing
0915 Parking for coaches and minibuses on the Mall. For those with mobility issues, drop off only at King Charles Street through Southern approach from Parliament Square. Pass required to pass through Police security barrier.
1025 Parade musters in King Charles Street and is briefed by Parade Commander.
1050 Parade formed at Cenotaph
1100 Service at Cenotaph
1140 Parade Reviewed by VIP
O/c Standard Bearers ’Up Spirits’
1155 Bar open at Civil Service Club (Chips and Sandwiches served)
Remember this is an honour and privilege for the Royal Naval Association to Parade in Whitehall past the Cenotaph and is one of the RNA’s key National events and displays
the RNA at its best. The National Council, whilst appreciating that travel, cost and accommodation for Shipmates particularly, situated in the north making it difficult to attend, would like to
encourage as many Shipmates as possible to try and attend this important event in our calendar.
If you are unable to march but would still like to take part, it is not an issue as shipmates can be positioned as part of the main body round the Cenotaph and wheelchairs are of course welcome. The Service will be conducted by the Chaplain of the Fleet, The Venerable Martyn Gough Royal Navy, who is also our Honorary Chaplain.
And don’t forget on your way why not call in at RNA Uxbridge who would be delighted to see any Shipmates attending the Biennial Parade on Sunday 8th September. They are already hosting are already hosting 30 members from Waterlooville Branch after the parade with big eats, entertainment and of course Tots.
It is always nice to host visiting Shipmates as now a days they are in short supply at Uxbridge so if any other branches would like to be included after the parade please, or out and about visiting near London please come and visit us. We are conveniently situated just of the M40 at Hillingdon UB10 9PG. To arrange a visit please contact us via e mail or by phone 01895 230071
Arctic Medal Survivors
As Part of this years remembrance events, there will be a Concert of Remembrance at the Assembly Hall in Worthing commencing at 1425. An integral part of this concert is a performance of George Lloyd's 4th Symphony - Arctic. During this, it is planed to commemorate those awarded the Arctic Medal.
Holders of the medal, or those family members of those awarded, may be eligible for free entry to the concert.
Anyone who holds the medal, knows of anyone who holds the medal, or any family members who have inherited the medal, should contact the Chair of Worthing Branch of the RNA - Mr David Shipley at - who will provide further details of the event.
Arctic Medal Survivors
At this years Worthing Remembrance service on 10th November, it is planed to commemorate those awarded the Arctic Medal.
Anyone who holds the medal, knows of anyone who holds the medal, or any family members who have inherited the medal, should contact the Chair - Mr David Shipley at - who will provide further details of the event.
This Year's Trafalgar Nights Dinner will take place on
Saturday 19th October at the Windsor Hotel in Worthing
Details are as below.
Windsor Road Worthing BN11 1LX
Saturday 19th October 2019
1800 for 1830
Carriages: Midnight
Dress: Mess Kit, Black Tie or Lounge Suit
Please make your food choices (as per the menu Choice below) and return along with your payment by cash or cheque (made payable to Worthing Royal Naval Association)
to S/M Fiona Hamilton either in person or post to the following address:
12 Sackville Road
BN14 8BQ
R.S.V.P. by: 19th September 2019
Cream of Vegetable Soup Liver Parfait
with Onion Jam and Brioche
Prawn Salad
With Brandy Marie Rose Sauce and Lettuce
Main Course
Herb Roasted Chicken
Shallot and Sage Stuffing, Thickened Roasting Juices
Beef Steak
Braised in a Mushroom and Madeira Sauce
Cod Fillet
Lemon and Butter Roasted, Served with a White Wine, Fish Stock Sauce
Vegetable and Bean Hotpot
Topped with Herb Roasted Potatoes
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Caramel Sauce & Vanilla Ice Cream
Backed Vanilla Cheesecake
With Strawberry Compote
Fresh Fruit Salad Cheese and Biscuits
Members - £ 35.00
Non-Members £40.00
Menu Choice:
Please highlight, tick / delete as appropriate
Name: ____________________________________
If you have any specific seating requirments, please indicate below:
Cheque/ Cash Enclosed (Please Circle)
£ 35.00 £40.00
Liver Parfait
Prawn Salad
Beef Steak
Cod Fillet
Vegetable and Bean Hotpot
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Baked Vanilla Cheesecake
Fresh Fruit Salad
Cheese and Biscuits
Coffee and Mints
House Wines
Pinot Grigio |
£4.70 |
£18.00 |
Chardonnay |
£4.70 |
£18.00 |
Sauvignon Blanc |
£4.70 |
£18.00 |
Merlot |
£4.70 |
£18.00 |
Shiraz |
£4.70 |
£18.00 |
Zinfandel Rose £4.70 £18.00
Malbec £4.70 £18.00
White Wine
Pierre Brevin Sancere £34.00
Henri L Fontaine Chablis £34.00
Pouilly-Fuisse, Bouchard Aine & Fils £38.00
Ponticello Pinot Grigio Fruili Grave £27.00
Wynss Riesling, Coonawarra £29.00
Flagstone Word Viogier, Western Cape £27.00
Brancott Estate Savignon Blanc £29.00
Blush Wine
J L Quinnson Cotes de Provence Rose £27.00
Red Wine
Chateuneuf-Du-Pape, Clos de £47.00
L'Oratoire des Papes, Ogier Gevrey-Chambertin,Paul Deloux £58.00
Fleurie Chateau de Fleurie, E Loron et Fils £35.00
Ricossa Barolo £39.00
Ponticello Chianti Classico Risserva £29.00
Matua Pinot Noir £29.00
Torres Mas Borras Pinot Noir, Penedes £40.00
White Wine
Prosecco Vino Spumante £24.00
Martini Asti D.O.C.G. £24.00
Lanson NV Champagne £49.00
Immortal Memory .
This will need to be ordered at the Bar with your wine before the meal.
There will be a Disco after the meal until midnight.
There will be a photographer taking photos at the start of the evening and these will be available to order and purchase after the event.
This years Street collection will take place in Montague Street on Saturday 12th October from 0900 to 1600.
All available members are invited to attend for as long or short a time as possible to assist with the collection.
The street collection is an invaluable opportunity to raise funds, and this year we also have the new PR "Gizits" available for sale.
Op Banner 50 Commemorations
Please see below a note from the RBL (forwarded from Central Office) concerning the registration process for the Op Banner 50 Commemorations, due to be held in the National Arboretum on 14th August 2019. For those who are unaware Op Banner was the operation conducted in Northern Ireland.
The Royal British Legion launched its accreditation and registration for its Op Banner 50 event at the National Memorial Arboretum on 14th August 2019 in March this year.
Following feedback from Associations, we have decided to amend the registration process minimise the administrative burden for Associations and allow better outreach to eligible individuals.
All eligible individuals wishing to attend can now register their interest via the Commemorative Events Team.
When registering their interest, individuals will be asked for their full name, email and relevant Service Association, and will be sent a registration link via the existing Association accreditation portal.
Associations will still have access to their account and will still be able issue invites, should they wish to do so. Association are encouraged to log in to their account to monitor registrations for their accounts.
Upon registration, individuals will also be asked to provide basic details of service, dates served in Northern Ireland, service number and rank.
As before, invitations are currently restricted to one per person. Two representatives from families of British Armed Forces and Civilian service personnel killed as a result of operations in Northern Ireland or paramilitary actions in other countries will be eligible to attend.
We kindly ask Associations to promote the event on all their channels including newsletters, website, Facebook, Twitter and mailings. Please check out the Royal British Legion's Facebook Page for updates. If you have any queries or need help promoting the event please contact the Commemorative Events Team.
Allowances will be made for attendees requiring a carer. Individuals requiring a carer should email once registered to request a carer place.
Association Standard Bearers
Association Standards are invited to represent their regiment at the event. Please contact the Commemorative Events Team if you wish register a Standard Bearer.
Host activity at your memorial at the NMA
There is still an opportunity for units and Associations with memorials at the Arboretum to host their own activity. Associations intending to take advantage of this opportunity are asked to register their intent with the Arboretum directly:
Please note all people attending the memorial or representing the Standard will also need to register for the event
Event FAQs
We encourage all associations to leads to read our events FAQs available on our website
If you have any additional queries, please contact the Commemorative Events Team at
Yours Sincerely,
Commemorative Events Team
Worthing Sea Sunday
The Worthing Branch of the RNA participated in the local Sea Subday event on Sunday 7th July with a march from Spalsh Point to the Pier, and a service on the pier, with aftyernoon tea on completion at the Chatsworth Hotel.
Canadian Memorial Service
28th July – Visit to Parham House
We have secured a group booking to Parham House on the 28th July. Arriving by own transport.
Some members have volunteered to give you access to Gardens, House, Chapel and Tea and Cake.
After tickets are issued there will be a short talk given by Parham House Staff.
Unguided Tours of:
Garden from 1200
Gift and Plant Shop from 1300
House from 1400
Chapel from 1200
Tea and Cake served between 1500 and 1600
Closing time is 1700 for the venue.
The price will be £16.00 per person for all the above. This is a concessionary price kindly given to us by Lady Emma Barnard of Parham House.
Payment to be made by the 4th July Mess Meeting.
Cheques make payable to “Worthing RNA” or Cash payment. Thank you.
Horse Racing Evening
The Branch held a successful Horse Racing evening at the John Selden Pub in Durrington on Saturday 25th May.
As well as raising funds by way of the betting and raffle, there was a much appreciated and enjoyed Fish and Chip supper.
The general consensus was that this proved to be a great evening, and it is hoped to arrange more similar social events in the coming months.
We will be manning a stall at the Broadwater Carnival this coming Saturday - 20th July.
Please drop by and support us. Tombola as usual, as well as a raffle (£1.00 a ticket) for the wooden truck with trailer (all 4 feet of it) as made and donated by Brian Roberts for us.
If you are able to assist by manning the stall for a period, please do come along - even if only for an hour - you will be very welcome!
Copy of Video of D-Day Vets in Southampton
75th Anniversary of D -Day Landings
This year, 6 June marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings – one of the most remarkable Allied wartime operations. The Royal British
Legion is working with the UK Government and other stakeholders to deliver significant commemorations to mark this momentous anniversary, both in Normandy and
With less than one month to go, we are urging veterans and
their families to register for events in Portsmouth and France.
As this is a major commemorative year and following the recent
announcement that world leaders will be in attendance, all attendees will be required to register so that they can be screened for security purposes. Priority will be given to Normandy Veterans
and their guests.
We ask that all associations help us in reaching as many
Normandy Veterans as possible. The Legion wants to ensure the additional security and global interest does not deter veterans wishing to attend.
The location of the major commemorations to mark D-Day 75 include:
• Southsea Common, Portsmouth, United
Kingdom - 5 June
• The Cathedral of Our Lady of Bayeux,
Bayeux, France - 6 June
• The Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Cemetery, Bayeux, France – 6 June
Registration and accreditation
Accreditation will be required to attend all these events. To
receive a link to the accreditation system to register for event passes, please email or telephone 0175 384 7900.
When requesting a link, individuals should indicate which
event(s) they would like to attend, and whether they are a Normandy Veteran or widow, accompanying a Normandy Veteran or widow, or attending as a descendant or general
Approved passes will be posted via registered mail. Full event joining instructions will be included with the
One veteran who has already signed up to attend
is Royal Marine Veteran Jim Healy, who was just 19 years old and a coxswain of a landing craft transporting
Canadian troops onto Juno Beach on D-Day. Jim said: “I think it’s important to be a part of The Royal British Legion D-Day 75th Commemorations because I always want to remember the lads that we lost
– we actually lost ten of the boats in our 18-strong convoy. I just hope other D-Day veterans who are fit enough to travel do the same.”
Travel in France
There will be a restriction on traffic movements in the
Normandy area during the 6 June 2019. The Royal British Legion have been working closely with the French Government to ensure that this does not impact on any veteran travelling to events in
It is currently understood that all coaches and vehicles
carrying Normandy Veterans will be able to travel within the secure zone using a vehicle pass generated by The Royal British Legion accreditation system. All other private vehicles will be required
to travel to Caen to catch a shuttle bus into Bayeux.
Please note that this information is correct at the time of publicising and may change - full details will be sent to all
registered attendees with their accreditation passes.
The veterans remain our number one priority and at the heart
of everything we do, and we ask for you cooperation to make sure that no one misses out on what will be an incredibly moving and poignant occasion.
Further event information can be found on The Royal British
Legion’s website
Portsmouth D-Day Stone Memerial Service Thursday 5th June
Please see below an invitation form Portsmouth City Council concerning the D Day Memorial Stone, sent via HQ.
On behalf of the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth and the Portsmouth South branch of the Royal British Legion, I would like to invite you and members of your association to the Memorial Service at the D-Day Stone, Southsea Esplanade on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of D-Day on Thursday 6th June 2019 at 10:45am. This annual Service is being jointly organised by the Royal British Legion and Portsmouth City Council.
The Service will be attended by veterans from across the city who will march to the Stone, preceded by a platoon from the Royal Marines Cadets. The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines will lead the parade.
Marching veterans are asked to assemble at Canoe Lake car park, Southsea Esplanade where you will be marshalled by the Veteran's Parade Commander, Spike Redwood. Toilet facilities and first aid will be available in this area.
The parade will be led by the Standards, so we ask that your Standard Bearer assembles at the front of the parade. The Standard's Parade Commander will be available to brief your Standard Bearer on arrival.
Non-marching veterans should go directly to the D-Day Stone near South Parade Pier where seats will be provided.
The march from Canoe Lake Car Park to the D-Day Stone is approximately 500 – 600 metres. Veterans in wheelchairs are very welcome to take part in the parade.
The Service will be conducted by the Revd Canon Bob White. Towards the end of the Service there will be an opportunity to lay wreaths; please allow the official wreath layers to go forward first, Father Bob will then invite you to make your way to the Stone if you wish to lay a wreath.
After the Service, the parade will form up on the road, and march past the saluting dais. The Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire has kindly agreed to take the salute.
By 10.15am Veterans assemble at Canoe Lake car park.
10.20am Parade marshal forms up the parade.
10.30am Parade step off, led by the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines
10.50am D-Day Service begins
11.30am Parade forms up and marches past.
In the event of wet weather, the event will carry on as planned above.
All those taking part are invited to wear Regimental Blazers, berets and medals where appropriate.
Parking is available free of charge for veterans in the Canoe Lake Car Park. Alternate parking is available free of charge on Castle Field (next to the Pyramids Car Park). Please note that all other guests will be charged to park in either of these parking locations. Please show your medals to the parking officer who will allow you access. Buggies will be available at both car parks to transport you to the D-Day Stone if required.
Alternatively there is plenty of free on street parking around Canoe Lake.
Please note that road closures will be in place on St Helen's Parade and Southsea Esplanade around the D-Day Stone area from 06:00am so to access Canoe Lake car park or the on street parking at Canoe Lake you will need to approach from the Eastney end of the city.
I do hope you and members of your association will be able to join us on this occasion. I would be grateful if you can let me know numbers of veterans attending from your association by Monday 3rd June 2019 at the latest. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 023 9268 8938.
For information the cost of travel will be reimbursed but not the cost of accommodation and there is no requirement for you to be accommodated in the Conference site but it is recommended so that you can enjoy the social elements of the Conference gathering.
For those of you who are not aware the programme for the weekend will be as follows;
Meet and Greet very social dit spinning etc!
Formal Conference 0900- 1400 followed in the evening with a ‘Gala’ Dinner.
Alternatively for the Ladies to escape the formal Conference there is a Coach Trip around the area
Drum Head / Church Service this year held in the Hotel Gardens. (Optional)
Currently the site for Conference and the reunion has been exclusively made available for the RNA, however, sadly we may lose this benefit if we fail to increase current bookings".
Copies of the necessary forms, and more information available by emailing ""
The Branch will be holding a wreath laying Service for HMS HOOD on Friday 24th May 2019.
Worthing RNA Chairman S/M David Shipley will say:
This Remembrance Parade is in Memory of the men of Worthing who served aboard HMS HOOD and who gave the ultimate sacrifice for peace, on that fateful morning at 0600 the 24th May 1941.
Cyril Austin Cox, Stoker 1st Class, age 24
Victor George Garman, Leading Stoker, age 29
Roy Frederick Knight, Midshipman, age 18
Percy Christopher Boylett Long, Boy 1st Class
William Francis Puttick, Stoker 1st Class, age 20
Reginald Thomas Rose, Stoker 1st Class, age 20
Henry Wells, Stoker 2nd Class, age 31
They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
We will remember them
Standards to the Dip
2 Minutes Silence
1102 Pipe the “Carry On”
Worthing Mayor, Councillor Hazel Thorpe and Worthing RNA President S/M Bob Scott Lay wreaths for Worthing.
Prayers led by Rev George Butterworth, Royal Naval Association Worthing Padre
On Completion Parade will dismiss
The new batch of vessels will fbe for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, and are needed to ferry vital supplies to HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales.
However, fears are growing among defence circles that the huge construction project may slip through the fingers of Britain’s shipyards, instead being picked up by foreign firms – chiefly in Spain. Now more than 12,600 people have backed a plea to Whitehall demanding the lucrative vessels are built by British workers. So far, a conglomerate of British defence firms are being pitted against four international bidders for the work. It’s hoped the British group will clinch the contract and prop up Britain’s shipbuilding industry, which was dealt a crushing blow this month by the closure of the historic Appledore shipyard in Devon.
Calls by campaigners come off the back of a letter by Dr Julian Lewis, chairman of the UK’s defence committee, to defence procurement minister Stuart Andrew in which he demanded to know why the new RFA ships were classified as ‘non combatants’. Vessels classed as combatant warships – aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates – must be built in Britain for national security purposes. But those that fall outside of this can be sent to international tender. Andrew Tiller, who set up the petition, said other countries build their naval vessels and support ships in-house and questioned why Britain couldn’t too. He added: ‘The construction of warships and minesweepers for the navy and support ships for the RFA should allow a thriving shipbuilding industry in the UK. ‘But the government applies a narrow definition of what constitutes a warship, recently three RFA ships were built in South Korea, three more ships have been put out to international tender. ‘Very few other countries will allow their industrial base to be hollowed out like this.’
Stephen Morgan, Portsmouth South MP, said he was ‘deeply disappointed’ international firms were able to bid for the work. He said: ‘The construction of these British ships is an important opportunity for the nation to showcase its expertise and would bring a welcome boost to the economy at a time of such uncertainty.’ Responding, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the government was ‘highly supportive’ of Britain’s shipbuilding industry. But it insisted there was no ‘national security reasons’ to ‘limit’ the vessels’ construction. ‘The ships which meet this criteria are frigates, destroyers and aircraft carriers,’ the MoD said. ‘The UK needs these type of ships to be designed, built and maintained in the UK so that, in times of war, we are not reliant on any other nation to carry out these activities on our behalf. In this way we protect our national security.’ The MoD added: ‘The fleet solid support ships are not warships and there is no national security reason to limit their construction to the UK.’
Black Tot Day
We have been asked to circulate below by S/M Stewart Maclean from National Council:
‘Black Tot Day - 50th Anniversary of ending of the Black Tot takes place in 2020. ‘Dry run’ planned for 30 July 2019 in collaboration with RNRMC: 100 places for a buffet lunch Reception onboard HMS Belfast. Nominations welcome for 4 places per Area required by Conference please. GS to promulgate travelling expenses subsidy for attendees (day trip only, not overnight accommodation)’.
Please forward to S/M Fiona Hamilton (, your names by 26th April 2019 at the latest for Fiona to send off to S/M Stewart.
Day Trip to Gosport Submarine and Haslar Cemetery
Wednesday 20th March saw the trip to the Naval Submarine Museum at Gosport, and on to Haslar Naval Cemetery.
The trip went using the newly acquired Minibus from TS Vanguard Sea Cadets, and kindly driven by their Commanding Officer Sgt Barry Homewood.
A number of photos were taken by S/M Anna Shipley and S/M Tony Avery, and these can be found on this website under the Gallery March 2019 page.
The Horse Racing and Fish and Chip Supper Evening has now been booked for Saturday 25th May at the John Selden Pub, Half Moon Lane, High Salvington.
The cost is £10.00 per person. we already have reserves for anyone who cannot make the date.
Royal Navy Type 31e frigate could be based in India and not Portsmouth in plans to boost presence in the region
ONE of the navy’s newest frigates could be based in India – and not Portsmouth – the head of the Royal Navy has hinted. First Sea Lord Admiral Sir
Philip Jones made the statement about the possible forward basing of the Type 31e frigates during a discussion with the head of India’s navy.
The Ministry of Defence has not yet revealed where £1.25bn fleet of five ‘budget’ general purpose warships will be based. However, maritime experts and
former naval heads have claimed Portsmouth is the front of the queue after missing out on becoming the home of the more advanced Type 26 frigates. But speaking to The News during a briefing on HMS
Queen Elizabeth with his Indian counterpart, Adm Jones said: ‘We have not yet decided where we base those ships - there are many decisions to be made. ‘But whether it is actually physically based in
India, or whether it is just spending a lot more time working with the Indian Navy, I think there is a rich opportunity there for forward-basing.’
The comments came as the First Sea Lord sought to tighten the bonds of
co-operation between the two naval forces. He said he hoped HMS Queen Elizabeth would be able to operate alongside warships from the Indian Navy in the Indian Ocean on her maiden deployment in
The frigate Admiral Gorshkov and three auxiliary ships were spotted travelling south “close to UK territorial waters” on March 4 by observers using the marine traffic tracking app.
The Royal Navy confirmed yesterday that HMS Defender had been dispatched to intercept the group.
Commander Richard Hewitt said: “Escorting the Admiral Gorshkov has demonstrated the Royal Navy’s enduring commitment to protecting our home waters and readiness to undertake such tasking whenever it’s required.”
Russian vessels have entered the area on a number of other occasions in the past, including in November 2017 when a destroyer and a tanker appeared in the Outer Moray Firth.
SNP defence spokesman Stewart McDonald said the frequent stops underlined the need for a greater Royal Navy presence.
He said: “The UK’s Ministry of Defence is failing Scotland, allowing Russian navy vessels sailing through our territorial waters to conduct provocative drills like this.
“Sightings of this new class of Russian Navy vessel also underline why years of treating Russian threats as a joke are over.”
Moray Tory MP Douglas Ross hit out at the SNP for politicising the issue.
He said: “The Ministry of Defence was aware of this and took the necessary steps to address it, something that would be almost impossible if the SNP was successful in separating Scotland from the rest of the UK with their fanciful defence policy.”
Armed forces minister Mark Lancaster has spoken out after rumours circulated that the super carrier - which has yet to undergo sea trials - is to be sold to the highest bidder.
The Government has addressed rumours the Royal Navy's brand new super aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales is to be sold for huge cash or locked away in storage once it's built.
The 65,000 beast - currently being built in Scotland - is set to form part of an elite strike-force alongside fellow Solent powerhouse HMS Queen Elizabeth and the new generation of Type 26 frigates set to be base-ported in Plymouth.
Rumours reportedly began swimming about in the Treasury that a deal to flog Prince of Wales - which alongside QE are the biggest in the fleet's history - was on the cards.
Armed forces minister Mark Lancaster added fuel to the fire after he failed to quash the rumour mill during a debate in the Commons, despite insisting work was racing ahead to hand her over to navy chiefs come the end of the year.
It comes as fears grow that Spain - where tensions have grown over control of UK Gibraltar waters - is on the cusp of landing a lucrative £1billion deal to build three new Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships required to support the elite carriers with their international duties.
But now the Whitehall supremo has denied in a statement to The News, Portsmouth, that there are any plans in the works to dump the super carrier.
"There are no plans in place to mothball HMS Prince of Wales," Mr Lancaster told News defence correspondent Tom Cotterill.
"If I spent my time debunking every rumour that surfaces on a weekly basis I’d have little chance to do anything else."
Fears raged that Prince of Wales had been earmarked for the chop in a bid to cut down on a multi-billion pound ‘black hole’ in the Ministry of Defence's budgets.
Naval personnel involved with HMS Prince of Wales' preparation for sea trials told Plymouth Live this week of their pride in playing a key role in the huge project.
CPO McNeil, who lives in Plymouth, said: “I love being on HMS Prince of Wales. It’s a big challenge bringing such a big ship, with so many components, together, and getting her safe for sea is mega.
"I’ve got a big department to manage, but the lads are really up for it. I’ve been on board since the beginning of July last year. This is a great training facility."
March Mess Meeting
The March Mess Meeting will take place at the Broadwater Working Men's Club on Thursday 7th March 1930 for 2000 start.
Members should by now have received their copies of January's mess meeting.
If not yet received, send an email to: and a copy can be emailed.
"Side Party Jenny" dies aged 92
For those who remember back to the days in Hong Kong and HMS TAMAR, and remembers Jenny and her Side Party "Girls", sadly Jenny died today (19/02/19).
A detailed account appears in the In Memorium page of this website.
RIP Jenny
Thursday 7th February saw the Annual General Meeting take place.
A review of the accounts and events over the previous 12 months were addressed, and so too was the election of the new Committee.
The positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary each had only one nominee, and were duly elected as follows:
Chair David Shipley
Secretary Fiona Hamilton
Treasurer Fran Harman.
There were two nominations for the vacant position of Vice-Chair - S/Ms Noel Atkins and S/M Doug Morris.
As required, a ballot was held, and S/M Noel Atkins was duly elected as the new Vice Chair.
Details of the new committee can be found on the Committee 2019 page of the website.
The Facebook group page of the Branch can be found on the following link:
New Naval Appointments
Royal Navy Appoints New Senior Officers
A number of new senior officials have been appointed by the Royal Navy.
The Navy has confirmed that Vice Admiral Tony Radakin will become the First Sea Lord, the most senior naval position.
He will take over later this year when current First Sea Lord Admiral Philip Jones retires.
Rear Admiral Nicholas Hine is to be promoted to Vice Admiral and Second Sea Lord, while Vice Admiral Ben Key is set to become Chief of Joint Operations.
Vice Admiral Key will take over as Commander of NATO's Maritime Command
Vice Admiral Key will become only the third sailor to hold the post of Chief of Joint Operations at Northwood headquarters when takes over next month.
He will oversee joint and combined operations involving Britain’s Armed Forces beyond the shores of the UK.
Vice Admiral Blount will move from Portsmouth to Northwood to take over as Commander of NATO’s Maritime Command – the headquarters which directs all of the alliance’s naval operations.
Rear Admiral Jerry Kyd, the first Commanding Officer of the new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, is also to be promoted to Vice Admiral and Fleet Commander.
The F-35B's role alongside HMS Queen Elizabeth will fall under the responsibility of Rear Admiral Martin Connell - the new head of the Fleet Air Arm.
Commodore Paul Marshall will take over the team overseeing the design and construction of the new Type 26 and 31 frigates, as well as replacement solid support ships for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.
Other changes include:
Rear Admiral Keith Blount - to be promoted to Vice Admiral and to be Commander Maritime Command.
Rear Admiral Christopher Gardener - to be promoted to Vice Admiral and to be Chief of Materiel (ships).
Commodore Jim Higham - to be promoted to Rear Admiral and to be Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Ships) and Chief Naval Engineer Officer.
Commodore Andrew Burns - to be promoted to Rear Admiral and to be Commander Maritime Forces.
Handover of Old Unit Standard December 2018 at TS Vanguard
Ipad Training Session - December 2018